NYCC 2013!

The chaos that was October has ended and now, we are entering holiday season... time goes by way too fast. Comic Con was a success minus a little drama. My Thor costume obviously didn't come, but I made the most of it.

I had an amazing time honestly, even though I lacked so much sleep haha. I got to walk around with my bitches in hot costumes, meet up with some of our phototag friends, took a picture with the legend himself Stan Lee, got to watch The Walking Dead panel, saw The Walking Dead museum, scored some amazing artwork by Greg Horn, and ended the weekend with an awesome dinner at Wolfgang's Steakhouse for my lovely's birthday. :)

We couldn't go anywhere without getting our picture taken a thousand times. Here are our costumes:

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Overall my first NYCC was a success! Maybe one day I can experience the greatness that is San Diego Comic Con. ;)

Serious though, is it bad I'm already thinking about next year's NYCC? Obviously, I am doing Thor finally. Ive been thinking about how I want it too look and I am wondering if I should just do a body suit. After walking around as Wonder Women, I am okay with going this direction haha. Ideally, I would like a navy blue bodysuit with silver in the front to replicate the modern Thor. I've found a seller on etsy that does metal bras. I am wondering if that can be incorporated too or at least have the illusion of it. Other possiblities are Batgirl, Supergirl, Poison Ivy, Daenerys and interesting enough, Aqua Girl. I saw female cosplays of it on Pinterest and it caught my attention.

I am sure NYCC 2014 posts will start to pop up on my blog and next year's costumes... smh. My Nine Inch Nails and Halloween blog posts are soon to come after this one!


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