Rosé Mansion

Finally, I made it to a pop-up that I wasn’t disappointed in! LOL. Rosé Mansion was essentially a wine tasting experience of different varieties of Rosé as you take photos for the gram. I must say the pop-up created an very immersive experience from the time I walked off the elevator and saw the neon “Rosé Mansion” sign to the very end when I entered Roséland. Right off the bat, I could see that this pop-up was well-constructed with its attention to detail when entering the “boarding area.” Careful thought, planning and investment was really put into this experience. Oh and unlike Candytopia, there was actual air conditioning! Praise Satan. You can beat the summer heat, and move about the space in total comfort.

The theme in the first ten minutes of me being there was so cute! Once we escaped the room of giant bouncing grapes, we received our Rosé cups. You have to hold on to your cup for the remainder of your experience otherwise you’ll be forced to pay for a replacement. After the first initial tasting, we were allowed to explore the pop-up at our lesiure. I never felt rushed or hurried along from room to room, which was nice. Also, most people were very patient and respectful throughout the entire experience.

My favorite rooms were the Secret Garden and the celebration cake, which happened to be everyone else’s favorites too lol.  The cake line took the longest since everyone was trying to get the perfect boomerang for the gram. Even on a Saturday though, the space was big enough to where I didn’t feel it was overwhelmingly crowded. I also enjoyed the disco ball pit, which surprisingly, was empty by the time the girls and I got there. Aesethic wise, Cleopatra’s Palace seemed out of place despite it having the best tasting Rosé. I specifically wore pink to match the rooms perfectly since I had done my research beforehand, and stalked everyone’s pictures on instagram. Thus, my outfit didn’t match well with the Egyptian theme. At the end of the pop-up we entered the Roséland. This space offers more Rosé, lounging, tacos and photo-ops. I loved that they had Taco Dumbo there because it fit the aesthetic so well. It’s nice to have the option to eat and relax after your trip through the pop-up. 

The line for the infamous chandelier was rather slow despite it not appearing that long. Everyone wants the perfect photo and boomerang once they make it to the front of the line, which I understand. I didn’t quite get the experience I wanted out of it sadly, but nothing to lose sleep over. I regret not trying out the frozen Rosé once we got to the end as we waited on that long ass line for the chandelier.


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