Killer Frost

I’ve always been compared to Daenerys, hence why my alias is a play on my name and Khaleesi. It’s merely because I resemble her, but I’d like to think I could be just a fierce as her too. When you think about it though, I’m more ice than fire. More Stark than Targaryen.

January is my birthday month, which is ironically fitting. Of all the months, January is the coldest. It’s the month you hide away, and isolate yourself from the harsh elements. January usually brings upon us the wonderful chaos of ice and snow. We’re currently in Aquarius season, and we’re known for just that... our cold, icy exteriors. We tend to distant ourselves from others, and go into isolation at times. We have this need to protect our personal space, but yet end up being one of the loneliest signs of the Zodiac. That’s the constant battle. Wanting to be alone, but not wanting to be alone.

I often get this sense of being left out by loved ones, but I have a hand in that. It’s so easy for us to emotionally detach, and to shut people out when we are in stressful situations. I always have my poker face on. You can’t tell what I’m really thinking or feeling. You wouldn’t know if I was really hurting. I won’t tell you. We often feel as though people do not understand or relate to us. I’m sure our super stubborn nature doesn’t help one bit. So sure, all the personal space we need makes the people in our lives think we do not care. We act like we don’t need anyone, that we can do this all on our own. I do care though, and I think I need people more than I lead myself to believe. I don’t understand this conflict within myself any more than others would. The need to keep people at arms length, but not wanting to be forgotten.

I saw a quote online that said “very few people are privileged enough to be allowed into an Aquarius’ heart... don’t mess up.” We have our barriers up, but for the people we do care about, we love fiercely and are loyal to a fault.
I’ve been compared to Killer Frost, which makes me laugh because she’s probably the villian I’d strive to be in a fantasy world. Ever so the villain, she still had her struggles with co-existing with her other counterpart. Beneath her icy exterior (no pun intended) was Caitlyn Snow. Killer Frost slowly softened due to Caityln’s caring and loving nature. Now, they’ve learned to work together, rather than against each other.

Maybe that’s me. Maybe I just have to learn to coexist with the parts of me that I don’t understand. So, call me the Ice Queen, call me Killer Frost, but know, this girl does have a heart after all.

Credit: Alef Vernon - IG: @alefvernonart


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